"Hands-on" home & office organizer serving Los Angeles, Santa Clarita Valley and San Fernando Valley in Southern California. Garage out of control? Files in disarray? Office too cluttered? Papers misplaced? Home a mess? Desks overflowing? Closets need revamping? Toys everywhere? Books out of order? Photos need sorting? Tools need organizing?
You get the idea.
I'm Bob Farkas, The Clutter Wizard, a hands-on professional organizer who creates order and manages all of the out-of-control places in your home and/or office. I go through years of your accumulated clutter and weed through papers, create efficient storage spaces, set up filing systems, streamline closets and, in general, create harmonious
and productive living and working environments. And I do it all confidently, patiently and with a sense of humor. It's a confidential, painless and comfortable process.