There are two of us for the price of one! We have over 25 years of experience in organizing with basic methods as well as up to date techniques. No need to feel apprehensive about those annoying clutter tasks. We love helping people and go about it in a fun, loving and supportive way. We work right along side you, with no judgment whatsoever and teach you how to maintain an organized lifestyle. No task is too big or too small to tackle. Let's organize everything from your office to your garage! Reward yourself and visualize your end result! You will feel better about yourself and your space.
*Do you have old paper files that need updating or purging? We will sort, shred and set up a filing system to meet your needs.
*Downsizing? We will help you sort and take unwanted items to the donation center of your choice or arrange junk removal pickup.
*Moving? Let us do your packing & unpacking.
*Need help getting ready for the holidays throughout the year? We are happy to decorate your home with your decorations. We will also take down and organize your holiday decor into labeled bins all ready for next year.
Call either Jean @ 775-720-4351 or Lana @775-527-3946.