Can the Clutter / Professional Organizer in Minnetonka, Minnesota

Call us today - . We can help! We are a highly professional, non-judgmental, trusted resource you can depend on. With a background in psychology, we offer great advice on how to finally let go of your belongings and how to change your behavior so you can be successful in the long run. We are quickly able to evaluate what changes need to be made and to put a plan in place to not only eliminate the excess/clutter but to set up ways to keep it in check. For more information visit our websites: Home organizing -

Client Testimonial: "The Can the Clutter team does so much more than set up organizing systems. They teach the client to learn new behaviors and unlearn bad ones. It's about accountability and solutions that work for the individual. A great investment - a lot cheaper than a divorce or marriage counseling!"


ADD/ADHD Expertise Bill Paying Children's Rooms Chronic Disorganization Expertise Closet Systems Consultations For Do-It-Youself Consulting For Small Business And Entrepreneurs Corporations Craft Rooms Custom Closet Organizers Decluttering & Reorganization Downsizing Email Management Email Organization Estate Organizing Filing & Storage Systems Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Home Offices Home Organization Home Staging (Homes for Sale) Household Management Coaching Kitchens Memorabilia Storage National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) Member Office Organization Offices On-Going Support And Maintenance Services Organizing Workshops Outbuilding Organization (Barns, Sheds) Packing & Unpacking Services Paperwork Organization & Management Photo Organization Policy And Procedure Productivity & Time Management Coaching Public Speaking Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Small Business Space Planning Specialties: Helping Seniors Students Tips For Maintaining Organization
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