Organization Occasion / Professional Organizer in Pleasanton, California

Organization Occasion is about helping people create peace of mind, a relaxing environment, and increased productivity through de-cluttering and organizing their home. Whether it is an office, closet, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or garage, organization can play a transformative role in people's lives as to how they feel about themselves and their environment. I have a background in Counseling Psychology and have a lifelong interest in helping people. I utilize a non-judgmental attitude when working with clients. I understand that often times our lives are so busy, it is often a challenge to maintain our homes the way we would like. Over time, the clutter and disorganization builds, and reorganizing it becomes a daunting and overwhelming task to undertake alone. In many cases, having an experienced organizer step in and help facilitate the process makes the task achievable and rewarding. I can assist you in getting started on your home project, or help you throughout the entire project. It's not only about working with your belongings, but also about working with you as an individual. Building enough trust to work within your home and with your valued belongings. Sometimes it's difficult to decide what stays and what goes. I can discuss these decisions and I can help you come to a resolution that is best for you. In our discussions together I can better understand your organizational goals, evaluate your current environment, and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your goals. At the end of our work together, we will discuss implementing a realistic strategy for furture maintenance. I will do my best to help you transform your cluttered spaces into peaceful places. Please call: ; email: or visit my website at:


Attics Baby Boomer Downsizing Basement Organization & Decluttering Bathrooms Bedrooms Children's Rooms Chronic Disorganization Expertise Closet Organizing & Cleaning Clutter Elimination & Coaching Coaching Decluttering & Reorganization Downsizing Errands Expert In Large De-cluttering Jobs And Estate Clean Outs Filing & Storage Systems Game & Play Rooms Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Hoarding Help Specialist (Cleanup, Coaching) Home Offices Home Organization Kitchens Large And Small Areas Life's Transitions Listen To Clients' Needs And Concerns Masters Degree In Counseling Move-ins & Move-outs Office Organization One Room Or The Whole House Pantries Paperwork Organization & Management Photo Organization Purging Closets & Drawers Relocation Residential Organizing And Downsizing Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Sorting Specialties: Helping Seniors Students Teens
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