If you are planning a move in the near future or just need an objective eye to transform your surroundings, Elaine Turek, THE DECLUTTER SPECIALIST, is the person to accomplish your goal. She will meet your needs using key principles of categorizing, prioritizing, accessibility and systems. Her motto is, 'Less Stuff, More Clarity'.
During Elaine's courtesy consultation, she will offer tips on how to maximize your space, create a plan for efficiency or discuss your upcoming move. Elaine will execute and complete the plan, or just get you started on your journey, whatever works best for you.
Her specialty is assisting seniors through the downsize process. With empathy and compassion, Elaine works with seniors and their family through the physical and emotional challenges of a downsize move. You need a person with exceptional talents, so please feel free to request information or a courtesy consultation. Call or visit Thedeclutterspecialist.com
Visit our website to learn about 'The Declutter, Downsize & Sell Your Home HANDBOOK'. This quick read handbook offers practical tips to guide Seniors & Sellers through the daunting downsize process. Even if not moving, the declutter tips offered are priceless.