Jacqueline Fox & Associates provides professional organizing to small business owners, and home dwellers, helping clients create the space, structure, and supporting practices for keeping success going and doing what matters most. *** Three primary approaches are used as we work together: Physical space decluttering, organizing, and beautifying; * Tailored designed systems based on your unique needs and goals; * Creative strategies for taking your projects and talents to their next level of success. ***Client quote: I feel I have been given a college education on becoming organized. Every day my home is becoming cleaner, my thinking clearer, and my body stronger. A big load has been lifted from my shoulders
life is so much more enjoyable. It feels so good to be in control of my things instead of them controlling me. Less is better. I feel like a butterfly
free to be me. Thank you so much. -- Arlene, retired sales manager *** Contact: jacquelinefox.com ***