The Organizer
Professional Organizer in Atlanta, Georgia
whether it’s troubled projects, projects that are unorganized, processes that are borderline disorganized, life adversities on a professional or personal basis where structure isn’t visible we can assist. We strongly believe the same hat doesn't fit everyone that's why providing a safe and supportive environment that each client recognizes as their personal setting is a key to their discovery and transformation. Many are in search of assistance but few know what they really need. What you want may not be what you need to get organize in expanding your potential. As a certified life coach and project manager I believe than an uncluttered mind liberates its intellect to see all possibilities. Let me help you master your (identity/clutter/goals, get organized...) so that you can empower your future.
Certifed Public Speaker ; We Meet Virtually Or Face-to-Face (F2
Certified Life Coach
Certified Project Manager
Clutter Elimination & Coaching
Home Offices
Office Organization
Organizing Workshops
Personal Coaching
Phone Sessions
Productivity & Time Management Coaching
Public Speaking
Small Business
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