Clearing Chaos provides professional organizing services and a compassionate crew for estate clearing (our specialty), relief from chronic hoarding, de-cluttering, downsizing and we run estate sales.
My hospice volunteer background has given me a unique perspective when working with seniors.
For over 5 years, my crew and I, have had the honor of helping seniors and their families when:
- A loved one needs to move or has passed away.
- The house needs to be cleared out for selling.
- The house, attic and garage are stuffed with things that need to be sorted first.
- You want to re-claim your space, your house.
- You have your own family, house, job and life to deal with and no time.
- There is a ton of salable items through-out the house.
Clearing Chaos runs estate sales.
Estate sales are a great way to liquidate a house full of treasures you no longer want and make some money. We do the set-up, research and pricing. We have a group of appraisers who come in and help. We have our own, experienced, crew who run the estate sale with me.
There are many solutions to every situation. Call Clearing Chaos to find out which solutions are best for you.