Becky Marple, Owner and Professional Organizer for BeeNeat / Professional Organizer in Edmond, Oklahoma

Becky with BeeNeat has been told she 'exudes compassion for her clients rather than passing judgement'. Becky works with her clients to understand how the family home or business is run. She will then offer solutions to streamline that process. Becky will help give everything a "home".

It is a frustrating thing to not be able to find your keys, that wrapping paper you just bought, the other shoe you want to wear, or......the list goes on. Becky can help!

She will help organize your project so that any family member or guest can open that pantry or closet and see exactly where that item is that they are looking for.
It makes sense, looks nice you're now clutter free and next time you have company over, you won't be embarrassed of what is lurking in that closed room or behind that door.

Along the organizing way, Becky will provide numerous tips on "how, or why" certain systems work or may not work; she passionately believes in educating her clients so that they are better prepared to handle organizing long after Becky has gone.

Without taking herself too seriously Becky will help make the day special and fun (really!) Any fears or intimidation you may have had will soon disappear. Specializing in home staging and interior decorating, let her make your home beautiful today!

Please take the time to visit to view a gallery of before and after projects as well as what previous clients have to say about their experience with Becky.

Call or "Friend" BeeNeat on Facebook for numerous (and free!!) tips on how to become better organized!


Baby Boomer Downsizing Basement Organization & Decluttering Bathrooms Bedrooms Children's Rooms Closet Organization Closet Organizing & Cleaning Clutter Elimination & Coaching Coaching Color Consultation Combined / Blended Households Consignment Consultations For Do-It-Youself Consulting For Any Project Consulting Services Craft Rooms Decluttering & Reorganization Decorate Spaces Deculttering The Impossible Design Consultation Document Solution Downsizing Elderly Downsizing Errands Estate And Garage Sales Feng Shui Files Filing & Storage Systems Full Service Luxury Organizing Furniture Placement Consulting Game & Play Rooms Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Good Will Dropoffs Guthrie Help With An Empty Nester Holiday Decor & Storage Home And Office Organization Home Decorating And Staging Home Office Home Offices Home Organization Home Staging Home Staging (Homes for Sale) Interior Decorating Interior Design & Re-design Interior Redesign With What You Own Kitchens Large And Small Areas Laundry Rooms Life's Transitions Listen To Clients' Needs And Concerns Living Areas Living Room Living Room Organized Lofts And Apartments Medical Offices Messy Messy Bachelor Pads Messy Houses Move-ins Move-ins & Move-outs Move-outs Moving Moving and Packing Moving Assistance Moving In/Moving Out Moving Plan Moving Planning & Preparation Moving Support Mudrooms/foyers/entryways Multi-purpose Rooms Need A Speaker For Your Staff Meeting New Moms And Generall Y Busy Women New Move And Unpacking Organization Newly Married Couples Organization Non-judgmental Non-profit Organizations Nursery Decorating Nursery Organization Office Organization Office-Home And Business Offices Oklahoma City And Moore On-Going Support And Maintenance Services One Room Or The Whole House Organizing And Decorating Consultant Organizing And Decorating Using What You Already Have Organizing Workshops Overwhelmed Packing Packing & Unpacking Services Pantries Paperwork Organization & Management People Feel Good In Their Homes Again! Personal Assistant Personal Coaching Personal Shopping Personal Shopping And Errand Photo Organization Product Display Professional Labeling Public Speaking Purging Closets & Drawers Recycling Recycling And Donating Services Redesign Relocation Relocation Downsizing Residential Residential Organizing Residential Organizing And Downsizing Servicing Edmond Shopping Short Term Or Long Term Help Shredding Small Business Small Spaces Sorting Space Design Space Planning Space Repurposing Space Usage Specialties: Helping Seniors Staging Staging For Living Staging To SELL Staying Organized Student Organization Students Team Organizing Teens Tips For Maintaining Organization Total House Organization And De-cluttering Toy Room Use What You Have Decorating We Speak English Workshops & Presentations
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