Alexandra Meyers Organization and Design / Professional Organizer in San Antonio, Texas

If you want to find some extra time in your day having an organized home is the way. No more hunting for things. From closets, offices, kitchens and name it, I will come in, sort through the clutter and stream line your space so that you know exactly where everything is. I'll teach you how to keep things clutter free by changing small habits. If your tired of a space and want to bring it up to date, downsizing, I can help you with that too. Perhaps your trying to sell your home and would like it to look its best for potential buyers, no problem.


Baby Boomer Downsizing Basement Organization & Decluttering Bathrooms Bedrooms Children's Rooms Closet Organizing & Cleaning Clutter Elimination & Coaching Computer Training Decluttering & Reorganization Email Management Errands Financial Organizing Game & Play Rooms Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Home Offices Home Organization Home Staging (Homes for Sale) I Have A Team Of Professionals I Work With If Home Remodeling I Interior Design & Re-design Kitchens Laundry Rooms Move-ins & Move-outs Office Organization Organizing And Decorating Consultant Pantries Paperwork Organization & Management Personal Assistant Personal Shopping Residential Organizing Residential Organizing And Downsizing Scrapbook Organization Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Teens Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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