Hello! I am Deb McIntosh. A Seasoned Professional Organizer and Productivity Expert
I would love to help you get Simply Organized.
SPECIALIZING in Entire Home Organization and ALL that Paperwork. I also do smaller spaces as well. Such as closets, garages, filing systems, food pantries & kitchens, business organization, and so on. Need to do an estate or garage sale? I do that too.
Helping you clear out the clutter and find a home for everything. In that process I will teach you some new organizational skills so you will stay organized.
I have been providing hands-on professional organizing services to individuals and families since 1997. Learn to live clutter free and be more efficient. I will guide you.
Room by room I can help you organize. I can help you make decisions. Shopping for organizational products is included. Pay by the hour or buy the package.
Usually it starts with an assessment. Then I can give you an estimate on how much time it will take and what your cost will be.
For the hands-on organizing services I will do some things for you and some things with you. There are several deciding factors that we will discuss. It might seem like a lot at first, but you will notice the difference right away.
I also do a lot of paper management and setting up filing systems. Together we will sort through all your papers. During that process I will label file folders and vinyl tabs. That will create an organized color coded filing system for you. All shredding is hauled away at no additional charge to you.
You may have seen one of my appearances on channel 3 midday show or at the crack of dawn on channel 12 doing before and after organizing television segments. I have also appeared on Fox 10 Arizona Morning and on channel 5 showing you ways to get Simply Organized.
I invite you to call me and get the ball rolling. It's a big process to get started, organizing your house and all your stuff. I'm here to answer any questions and go through all the details. I look forward to talking with you. Thank you for visiting my site today.
Deb McIntosh
Simply Organized
Organize - Simplify - Be Happy