Sorted Stones Home Organizing LLC / Professional Organizer in Hopkins, Minnesota

The space we live in should function to help us accomplish our goals. It should represent our creativity, and inspire us to participate in life our own support our individuality. As time passes, life changes. Our priorities change, and our need for certain space changes. Thus, our use for space within the home must shift to support new needs. The trouble is, the path to making this shift can be overwhelming and unclear. When such emotions pop up, take them as a good sign that it's time to talk to someone...share ideas, gather information, make plans, and make some moves.

My work attitude is casual and focused. My intention is to make this process inspiring and renewing, regardless of the size of the project. Being mindful and updated in our physical space helps keep our minds, ideas and inspirations fresh and up to date as well. We are always evolving, so let's find a way to reflect that in the home.

I'm here to support you in any way that I can, from planning, purging items, service referrals, design ideas, to the physical labor necessary to complete the project. The more you're involved, the more of a connection you will rebuild with the space as it evolves to suit your needs.

I strive to be flexible in my work, especially in terms of payment. As my client, you have a few options, some including discounts. Please call for more details.

I offer an initial one hour consultation to speak in more detail about your project and offer insights into getting started. It's also a great chance for us to meet one another before working together, but it is completely optional! If you're ready to get started, let's set up an initial session of organizing. If my method isn't your thing, don't worry- you are not required to keep working with me! This process is for you, and you should feel confident and happy with the person supporting your journey.

If you have any questions, comments, feedback, or are curious to learn a little more about me and what I do, please call anytime!!

Quick List of Services:

-Sorting & De-cluttering
-Home staging consultations
-Moving organization consultations: up to two hours to help set you on the right path to preparing yourself and your home to relocate
-Donation haul (free after every session)
-Estate sales & garage sales
-Design consulting
-Redesigning space using what you already have
-Time management and habit change consultation and support

Live with ease


ADD/ADHD Expertise Baby Boomer Downsizing Clutter Elimination & Coaching Coldwell Banker Burnet Realtor Consulting Services Decluttering & Reorganization Decorate Spaces Downsizing Estate And Garage Sales Furniture Placement Consulting Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Goal Setting Good Will Dropoffs Green and Eco-Friendly Organizing Home And Office Organization Home Makeovers Home Staging (Homes for Sale) Household Management Coaching Interior Redesign With What You Own Large And Small Areas Life Coaching Life's Transitions Memorabilia Storage Move-ins & Move-outs Moving Planning & Preparation Moving Support Non-judgmental Office Organization On-Going Support And Maintenance Services One Room Or The Whole House Organizing And Decorating Consultant Pantries Paperwork Organization & Management Personal Coaching Phone Sessions Productivity & Time Management Coaching Purging Closets & Drawers Residential Organizing And Downsizing Short Term Or Long Term Help Sorting Space Planning Tips For Maintaining Organization Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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