What dreams are buried under your stuff? Are you ready to begin the quest?
In the years I've been creating efficient homes and offices, I've noticed that an organizing session is never really about the stuff. It's about your goals and dreams and hopes and wishes. It's about the change you want to make in the world, your business, or your home. It's about getting the stuff out of your way.
Why did I become a professional organizer? To help you simplify, streamline, and focus on the essentials. Because I want to see your transformation. Not just your space (though that's fun too), but you. The best part of an organizing project is the moment the way opens for you. That magical moment when you believe, deep in your core, that your transformation is underway.
The name Minimologist reflects my core value of minimizing my impact on this precious planet and helping you to do the same. I embrace creative problem solving, espouse a minimalist approach to consumerism, and invent new uses for old treasures. I'm the MacGyver of organizing.
It takes courage for you to let me into your space and trust me to be your guide. I know this, and it's my goal to be worthy of your trust.