Kathy Shodis / Professional Organizer in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Our company is able to provide our customers the extra helping hand to get their homes organized and reduce the stress in their lives. We specialize in executive relocation, across town moves and senior downsizing. Depending on the needs of our customers, we offer turn-key moves and when the client arrives at their new address everything is done for them. From newly painted rooms, carpet cleaning, a stocked refrigerator, everything is unpacked and in its place. All the home-owner needs to do is relax and enjoy their new home. Having been in the painting business for over 40 years and a degree in Interior Design, I offer hands-on help with color consultation, furniture placement, painting, organizing and much more. We also offer clean-out services if your loved one is no longer able to stay in their home and you aren't able to take care of this job. We are fully insured and are on-site for each job. Call us today for a free consultation and we can direct you on the next step towards a stress-free move.


Basement Organization & Decluttering Color Consultation Decluttering & Reorganization Downsizing Errands Event Planning Extra Helping Hand For Unpacking/organizing Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Holiday Decor & Storage Home Cleanout For Out-Of-Town Relative Home Organization Home Staging (Homes for Sale) Interior Design & Re-design Large And Small Areas Move-ins & Move-outs Moving and Packing Moving Planning & Preparation One Room Or The Whole House Organizing And Decorating Consultant Packing & Unpacking Services Painting & Repairs Personal Assistant Residential Organizing And Downsizing Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Senior Moves Space Planning Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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