Hello, My name is Orissa Fields and I'm an Experienced Professional Organizer (EPO2).
I create spacious environments while providing the best organized solutions! Catering to an extensive assortment of care and ultimately saving you money!
I can help turn your space into Every Thing has a place!
Are you a collector? Have you accumulated an abundance of things? Is your "stuff" becoming out of hand? Is your home or apt packed to capacity? Do you dislike the word HOARDER? Are you moving and don't know where to start? Are you looking to Organize things before or after a move? Does your closet need some order?
If you've answered yes to any of these questions, help is on the way!
Do you love books? Collecting? Paper? Are you looking to organize your life? Do you need some helping hands or ideas? Is the mail and paper starting to pile up? Then I'm the woman for you!
I also have for all document filling needs, the Neat Connect Digital Filling System!
Check out my Instagram Page @eporganizer2
"LIKE" us on FaceBook "EPOrganizer2
Call me @
I can travel to all areas, and my rates are very reasonable!
I look forward and so should you!