As a Professional Organizer, DeClutter Specialist and Stager for over 25 years, I work one on one with my clients, listening and helping them reach their goals. I service Interior/Exterior spaces as well as helping prepare homes for events, or going on the market for sale. I am hands on, get it done style and after our first session you will see results! My mission is to help others create and maintain a clutter free lifestyle! Getting rid of all your stuff, or spending a lot of money on organizing and decorating supplies is not one of my request, but I will share many ideas. I do understand the feelings of embarrassment when asking for help and hope after working together you will feel a sense of ease. I wear many hats so I typically work by the hour, and payment is due at end of the days session. The hardest part of getting started with Organizing, is making the first call, so I have made it easy for you by offering a free no obligation confidential consultation! I look forward to hearing from you and can be reached by phone at or email at My Service areas are El Dorado, Amador, Placer, Sacramento and some Bay Area Counties, but not limited too.