Joy Harris/ Be Clutter free / Professional Organizer in Fresno, California

Be Clutter Free is a stress relieving company that specializes in extreme clutter. We organize and clean your home so you don't have to. We work together with the homeowner to create and utilize space. We organize your treasures so you can live side by side with them. We know how important your stuff is to you and we treat it that way. Be Clutter Free has many services to help the overworked client. Some of the things we are known for : decorating your home, with your old
stuff made to look new, we reupholster, repaint, repurpose. We also plan and execute theme parties from invitations to decorations to food, all made by hand.Complete estate organization from inventory to tagging all your items, cleaning your items and selling your items for top dollar.
We advertise your estate sale and clean up afterwards. Call us for all your needs.
.We have a lot of experience and a lot of happy clients.
Let us make you life easier one room at a time


Basement Organization & Decluttering Bedrooms Children's Rooms Chronic Disorganization Expertise Closet Organizing & Cleaning Clutter Elimination & Coaching Combined / Blended Households Coordinating Dual Residences Corporations Craft Rooms Custom Storage And Design Decluttering & Reorganization Downsizing Errands Estate Organizing Event Planning Furniture Placement Consulting Game & Play Rooms Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Hoarding Help Specialist (Cleanup, Coaching) Home Organization Interior Design & Re-design Kitchens Large And Small Areas Listen To Clients' Needs And Concerns Living Room Messy Houses Moving and Packing Moving Planning & Preparation New Moms And Generall Y Busy Women One Room Or The Whole House Organizing And Decorating Consultant Packing & Unpacking Services Pantries Personal Assistant Purging Closets & Drawers Residential Organizing Space Repurposing Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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