Organized Zone Inc, Brenda Borenstein / Premier Professional Organizer in North York, Ontario

Here at Organized Zone we understand that every situation is unique, so we offer a wide variety of services to ensure that our clients are getting the help they need! From paper management, renovation prep, clearing out a basement or garage, finding your dining room table again, provide an online auction for the excess, repurposing the dumping room, managing an entire move, packing up and unpacking for a renovation or relocation. We also provide online auction services to sell the excess if that the route you want to go. We will consulting on the best way to have stuff exit either by way of selling, donating or recycling your excess stuff. We Help with the everyday living by way of organizing and decluttering clothes, kitchen, bathroom cupboards and surface. A functional space is just a call away, looking so forward to working with you. 4164144124 Brenda Borenstein Organizing Specialist


Addictions Attics Baby Boomer Downsizing Basement Organization & Decluttering Bathrooms Bedrooms Chronic Disorganization Expertise Closet Organizing & Cleaning Clutter Elimination & Coaching Combined / Blended Households Consultations For Do-It-Youself Coordinating Dual Residences Craft Rooms Decluttering & Reorganization Deculttering The Impossible Downsizing Estate Organizing Executor Assistance Expert In Large De-cluttering Jobs And Estate Clean Outs Garage Organization Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Good Will Dropoffs Hoarding Help Specialist (Cleanup, Coaching) Holiday Decor & Storage Home And Office Organization Home Offices Home Organization Home Staging (Homes for Sale) I Work In The Whole House If Necessary. Kitchens Large And Small Areas Laundry Rooms Life Coaching Life's Transitions Living Room Living Room Organized Loss Of A Loved One Maxsold Partner Memorabilia Storage Move-ins Move-outs Moving Moving and Packing Moving Assistance Moving Organization Moving Planning & Preparation Moving/Relocation Need A Speaker For Your Staff Meeting Newly Married Couples Organization Office Office Organization Office-Home And Business Offices On-Going Support And Maintenance Services One Room Or The Whole House Online Auctions of Contents Organizing And Decorating Using What You Already Have Organizing Workshops Overwhelmed Packing & Unpacking Services Pantries Paper Management Paperwork Organization & Management Personal Assistant Personal Coaching Personal Shopping Personalized Organizational Solutions Personalized Organizing Solutions Product Display Project Management Recycling Recycling And Donating Services Relocation Residential Organizing Residential Organizing And Downsizing Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Shopping Small Spaces Space Clearing Space Design Space Planning And General Consulting Specialties: Helping Seniors Staging For Living Staging To SELL Staying Organized Total House Organization And De-cluttering We Also Provide Coaching Online Or Via Phone Communication. We Speak English
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