Inner Space Organizing / Professional Organizer in Granville, Vermont

Inner Space Organizing is a home organizing service driven by a passion for order and simplicity. We offer straightforward, insightful solutions for all of your organizing problems. We will help you create systems that make sense for your home and eliminate all of the excess that no longer brings you joy. Let's work together to bring order to your home and say goodbye to the chaos.
Specializing in re-locating (packing and unpacking), senior down-sizing, all rooms and closets and whole house organization.

Less clutter means more space to live in. Less time searching for things allows more space in your schedule. Less mess gives you the peace of mind to truly enjoy your inner space! Call today!


Attics Basement Organization & Decluttering Bathrooms Bedrooms Children's Rooms Closet Organizing & Cleaning Combined / Blended Households Consignment Coordinating Dual Residences Decluttering & Reorganization Downsizing Estate Organizing Event Planning Filing & Storage Systems Game & Play Rooms Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Green and Eco-Friendly Organizing Home Offices Home Staging (Homes for Sale) Inventory Kitchens Laundry Rooms Moving Planning & Preparation On-Going Support And Maintenance Services One Room Or The Whole House Organizing And Decorating Using What You Already Have Pantries Paperwork Organization & Management Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Space Planning Space Repurposing
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