Contact me directly clutterclearingusa.com
Are you overwhelmed by your clutter? Feeling stuck? Don't know where to begin or how to get motivated? Are you embarrassed to have anyone see your home or parts of your home?
Decluttering is one of the most effective ways to get your life unstuck and flowing again! After clearing the clutter and creating a place for all of your belongings, not only does your home feel lighter, brighter, more peaceful and uplifting - you feel that internally too!
Clutter is unconscious. It is unmade decisions. There is a stuckness around clutter, a cobwebby feeling, which also keeps you stuck in your life. If you have too much stuff from the past, it is also difficult to create a new tomorrow. In addition, if there is unresolved grief, layers of sadness accumulate around your possessions.
Clutter is only a symptom. Without realizing the underlying reason you have clutter, there is a good chance that it could build up again. Together we work to get to the source of why you have clutter. We clear it out, organize it, and make a harmonious space for you!
Know that everything we do is strictly confidential. I do not judge you or your home. I have seen it all before. I NEVER TELL YOU THAT YOU MUST THROW ANYTHING AWAY. I do bring to your attention how your clutter is affecting you. I teach you how to make decisions, stay focused and create new habits.
I would love to hear from you about your specific needs!