The process of transforming your home or office from unorganized to organized results not only in taking care of your belongings but also taking care of yourself. My clients express that my process is therapeutic, healing, and frees them of uncomfortable feelings. They also share that an organized home is enjoyable and a relaxing place to spend time alone or with family and friends.
As an organizer, I start with the basic elements of your home. I will consult with you about the function of a particular space. We will consider who uses the space and what naturally occurs in the room. Together we conclude what belongings make sense to keep, which ones (if any) to let go of, and what might be repurposed. This organic style of organizing creates harmony and fits into the design of "your" life.
I understand that each of us are unique individuals with different gifts and talents to contribute to others. My talent is to simplify, harmonize, and transform your home. I will model ways to stay organized using organizational tools that already exist in your environment.