Sherry, the Organizer / Professional Organizer in New York City, New York


I am a professional independent home organizer.
I've been organizing for 17 years now & organizing comes natural to me!
We each have our own skills & talents & organizing is one of mine!
I breathe organizing!

I travel to Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens or Long Island.
In your inquiry, please tell me exactly where you are located, including town/city/section.
(Not just the borough)
I do not work in Staten Island or the Bronx.

I have the same flat rate for everyone.
I stay up to 8 hours for one flat rate.
$195 cash, flat rate, of up to 8 hours, at end of the session.
(That's about $25 an hour, which is very fair, when most other organizers start at $40 an hour & up).
(no checks, no apps).

I do general organizing in the home,
or packing & unpacking services for moves.

I specialize in organizing the following:
Kitchens, Play/Toy rooms, Closets, Pantry, Junk drawers, Clothing, Shoes, Hygiene products, Jewelry, & such.

(I do NOT work with paper).
Meaning: I don't file paper away like a secretary,
& the owner has to see what they want to throw out first,
however I do touch paper, while it's in my way & categorize it into piles.
Magazines; Junk mail; Regular mail; Receipts; Business cards; Greeting Cards. Pictures.

(I do NOT work in garages, attics, or unfinished basement).
I work in rooms that you go into daily & use.

For general organizing: I group similar items together,
before putting back in a more organized fashion.
If you want to weed things out, I can help you with that.
To decide what you want to keep, donate, recycle, throw out, or sell.

For unpacking services: The best part is you're getting organized from scratch!
-I will break down the boxes as I empty them.

For packing services: You will need the following:
-Lots of bubble wrap for your breakables.
-Lots of paper moving wrap for your lesser breakables (Plates, cups, frames )
(Make sure you are getting separate sheet paper, NOT the roll)
(I no longer work with regular newspaper)
-Lots & lots of moving tape (you could never have enough!)
(I do not use tape guns)
(Get the large size tapes with at least 1 plastic red cutter attached to it).
(Also good is thin masking tape to tape paper wrappings up).
-A good working scissor
-A good working marker to label boxes
-Boxes of different sizes (small, medium & large)
OR rented bins. (these are great!) (saves tape & time!)

~Please let me know your exact situation & where you are located~
The more details the better the communication!
Please do not just leave a random number without any info;
(Please leave your phone number with your message, incase emails go elsewhere!)
I can be available last minute, but a couple of days notice is good, NOT same day notice.

You could be in & out of the home as needed!
I work both weekdays & weekends for you.
I throw nothing away without your permission!

"The best money spent is in the home where you live!"

I find coins, dollar bills, checks & jewelry you thought was long gone!
I find gifts you forgot about!

I am an expert when it comes to Ebay, Craigslist & Facebook-If you have any questions.
(Not Amazon).
or even if someone wants a virtual lesson, can be $15 an hour for a computer lesson virtually.

Studies have shown when you are more organized you sleep better!
When you are more organized you do not have to spend so much time looking for something!
When you are more organized, you don't have to keep spending money on things you already have!

Eventually I find "homes" for everything!

So get ORGANIZED today!
so you could find your way!
& enjoy your day! :-)

The no shoe rule is not consistent.
I see husbands/boyfriends walking around with "quick" shoes on.
Service men, dog walkers, ++ while I am stepping in it all.
I have stepped in dog urine
& by the end of the day, my socks are filled with dirt & crumbs,
Dogs who go outside for walks, are stepping in the same things we step on
& then coming back in the house, while I don't have my shoes on.
Also, remember that when things get shipped to your house,
& especially during moving time, boxes etc. have been in trucks, outside on the floor, etc.
& now on your own floors.
~From now on, my shoes will be kept on, no exceptions~
I will not be wearing your slippers, socks, or anything else but my own shoes.
I need my shoes on for support & protection.
You are welcome to Swiffer the floors once I leave.
~Thank you for understanding~
(I do wear small plastic on my shoe to protect white shoe from dirt/dust, so I'll be wearing something anyway)

(I do not have a lot of pictures because my goal is getting you organized!-not taking pictures)

***The way I can help you best, is with good lighting & good air.
***(I need light to see & I need to be cool as I am working)

As long as you are accommodating & compromising, things will go fine. :)
I am a patient, kind, caring, non judgmental, understanding person.

***** THIS IS MY ONLY AD on this website.
I am Sherry, the Organizer.
Any other organizing ad you see listed, is someone else's ad, not mine.

Please confirm you read my full ad! :-)

(I am also interested in helping you out with the holidays for your company etc.
Thanksgiving. Christmas. Chanukah. Easter. New Years. Passover) +

Keywords: Pack. Unpack. Organization. Move. Moving. Declutter. Clutter. Downsizing.


Bathrooms Bedrooms Children's Rooms Chronic Disorganization Expertise Closet Organizing & Cleaning Clutter Elimination & Coaching Combined / Blended Households Craft Rooms Decluttering & Reorganization Downsizing Game & Play Rooms Help With An Empty Nester Hoarding Help Specialist (Cleanup, Coaching) Home And Office Organization Home Organization Home Staging (Homes for Sale) Kitchens Large And Small Areas Life's Transitions Listen To Clients' Needs And Concerns Living Room Memorabilia Storage Move-ins Move-ins & Move-outs Move-outs Moving and Packing Moving Planning & Preparation New Moms And Generall Y Busy Women One Room Or The Whole House Packing & Unpacking Services Pantries Purging Closets & Drawers Recycling Residential Organizing Residential Organizing And Downsizing Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Small Spaces Sorting Space Planning Tips For Maintaining Organization Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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