Congratulations! You are taking the first step in saying no to clutter and disorganization and YES to space- emotionally, mentally and physically.
Being organized is a lifestyle, an ongoing process. When one area is done, it's time to tackle another. I will help organize and set up your space to easily maintain a lifestyle of organization. Simplify. Organize. Share., that's the motto of S.O.S. Organizing. Why share? It's always easier to get rid of things if you know that they are going to a worthy cause. Your clutter can be a blessing to another.
I specialize in Green Organization which is simply taking going green into decluttering and organization. The four "R's" of Green Organization:
Reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle.
I am patient and friendly and love helping others create a space that makes life easier. I look forward to speaking with you! -Natalie Burt