Denni Dattilio, Practical Organizing by Denni, LLC / Professional Organizer in Columbiana, Ohio

I am passionate about helping people gain the skills necessary to live a safe and satisfying life. I specialize, and am trained, in working with people whose age, medical, neurological, and emotional challenges prevent them from maintaining a comfortable and safe home. I help clients prepare for life transitions, including move management for seniors and rightsizing for changes in family dynamics. I can help you create systems that will enable you to maintain your space. I help my clients get their important documents in order and offer daily money management coaching that includes financial document organization, budget development, and bill payment scheduling. I am a professional member of the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO) and the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD). I co-lead two groups for professional organizers nationwide: Working with Seniors and Working either People Who Hoard. I also lead a book club for professional organizers from across the country to read and discuss the latest strategies for working with people who need help getting and staying organized. I travel to work with clients for a fee.


19 Years as a High School Special Education Teacher. Attics Baby Boomer Downsizing Basement Organization & Decluttering Chronic Disorganization Expertise Clutter Elimination & Coaching Downsizing Estate Organizing Filing & Storage Systems Hoarding Help Specialist (Cleanup, Coaching) Home Offices I Have 20 Years Experience Teaching Life Skills to Teenagers and Young Adults Who Have Learning Life's Transitions Listen To Clients' Needs And Concerns Memorabilia Storage Move-ins Move-outs National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) Member On-Going Support And Maintenance Services Organizing Workshops Packing & Unpacking Services Paperwork Organization & Management Productivity & Time Management Coaching Public Speaking Recycling Relocation Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Space Planning Space Repurposing Students Teens Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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