Jazzed at Home / Professional Organizer in Boulder, Colorado

I teach my clients how to declutter and organize their homes and offices, as well as how to use feng shui to enhance their spaces (and their lives) even further. In feng shui, clutter and disorganization are seen as being energy drains, which can affect our own personal chi, manifesting as things like illness, injury, poverty & depression.

While the acts of clearing your clutter and getting organized may be hard, at first, they can ultimately bring relief, energy, spiritual alignment, freedom, and prosperity. Once the clutter and chaos are gone, the use of intentional feng shui cures can further amplify your chi and help you manifest your desires.

I know what it's like to struggle with clutter and disorganization, because I used to be a clutter bug and my energy was out-of-control. I have used these tools in my own life, to align with Spirit and heal from a variety of issues. So, I know firsthand how powerful they are!

I'm most interested in teaching you how to declutter and organize your own stuff, so you can really understand how things got the way they did and heal at the roots. You'll come away with tools and knowledge that you can use throughout your lifetime. One-hour lessons are usually done in a series of weeks and involve a questionnaire, visioning, a personalized plan-of-action, specific homework assignments, and me acting as a coach and accountability partner. I promise not to judge you for your mess. But, I will hold the light of clarity up for you, when you get in your own way.

I offer lessons in decluttering, organizing and feng shui, both near and far! I've worked with clients in-person, as well as those in different states and countries, online. I charge between $75-90, per lesson, depending on your needs and the scale of the project.

Does this sound like what you're seeking? Contact me to schedule a 30-minute phone consultation, so we can explore the possibilities and see if it's a match for us to work together.

Claire Amber, Fired Up Diva


Clutter Clearing Coaching Clutter Elimination & Coaching Decluttering & Reorganization Downsizing Feng Shui Consultations Home Organization Organizing Coaching
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