The Tidy Bungalow by Amber Ehrlich / Professional Organizer in Phoenix, Arizona

You can tidy anything with the proper system and support.

Hello, I'm Amber, a Certified KonMari Consultant*. If you've seen the Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, you have some insight into how I work with my clients. One thing to note: while Marie is seen spending just a bit of time with clients, I'll be working with you side-by-side. We will declutter and organize through the KonMari Method moving from clothing to books to paper. We will then focus on komono (miscellany) and sentimental items. While I work with anyone interested in tidying, I have a specialty working with widows.

Schedule your 20-minute phone consult at

*Silver-level certification by the KonMari Institute and Marie Kondo, author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Spark Joy, and The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up. Note: As of Feb. 2019, there are 227 certified consultants internationally.

Amber Ehrlich

The Tidy Bungalow
Declutter. Organize. Create joyful space.


Bedrooms Closet Organizing & Cleaning Clutter Elimination & Coaching Decluttering & Reorganization Emotionally Supportive Organizing Home Organization Kitchens KonMari Method Pantries Paperwork Organization & Management Small Spaces Space Planning Total House Organization And De-cluttering Widows
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