Hi and welcome! If you are at this site- you have already taken the first step to getting organized! I am so glad you did and I assure you, we operate with 100% confidentiality, are always judgement-free, compationate, and enthusiastic! I would love the opportunity to get you started on your path to A Life Better Organized!
We are a full-service home & office organizing company specializing in decluttering,organizing, packing and unpacking, closet design, interior decor, maximizing space and so much more. When I come into your home or office, I am not there to judge- I am there with my sleeves rolled up to bring order to whatever space you think needs it. When I leave your space, you will have a fully-realized system in place that will allow you to maintain the new order.
Many clients contact us for many different reasons- they could be busy with their home or business, overwhelmed or confused about where to start, downsizing or moving, or have given up hope that things will ever be organized. Thus, they all have two things in common...a desire to change and the willingness to ask for help. I know they can feel embarrassed sometimes, and hesitant to contact me, but I quickly reassure them. Hiring a professional organizer is no different than using an accountant for your taxes or a stylist for your hair; you are entrusting them with a service you cannot provide or accomplish on your own. I have met and helped many people with different organizational needs, in all types of homes, and businesses, through both exciting and difficult life events. I consider it a privilege to be admitted to your space- your private life- and I honor it with a pledge of both full confidentiality and respect. Here's to less stress, no mess, happier lives and a LIfe Better Organized! - Debbie