Alessandra Malta / Professional Organizer in Alameda, California

I Graduated in fashion and I always worked with organization inside the fashion clothing stores. I love organize closets , pantries, fridges and the house in general. My academic background enables me to help you get rid of that closet full of pieces that you can never use for a practical closet, consistent in which less is more. My aesthetic skills also allow me to help you redecorate your home, with the pieces you already have, but don't know exactly where to put them. Furthermore, I am a mother and wife and run a household with 3 children and a husband with ADHD.


Bathrooms Bedrooms Children's Rooms Closet Organizing & Cleaning Decluttering & Reorganization Home Organization Kitchens Living Room Pantries Residential Organizing Small Spaces Students Teens Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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