Sarah Holden of Room Service Home Organizing is a Pasadena, CA area Professional Organizer, and proud member of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO). I am a firm believer that organization is a skill that anyone can learn.
First things first: There are no judgements here! I can assure you that I've seen it all, and I understand. We are busy. We have quirks. We are not perfect. We are all human. And that's okay. Room Service is here to help you tame your clutter and get organized so you can live your best life.
A big part of my job is to serve as your guide throughout the decluttering and organizing process. During our sessions, in addition to hands-on organizing, we will discuss how to break down the task of organizing into managable steps, so that it ceases to be overwhelming and it becomes easier and easier to stay organized over time. By the end of the project, a weight is lifted, leaving your home, and your mind, feeling much lighter. Give me a call at for your complimentary 20 minute phone consult!