I am Montana’s first and only KonMari™️ Consultant. The KonMari Method™ was developed by Marie Kondo, the author of "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" and star of the Netlix series "Tidying Up". Three years ago when I first read Maries book I became so inspired by her methods that I got on the waiting list for her training seminar. After a 3 year wait my turn finally came up in September of 2019. The seminars are limited to 100 participants at a time and do not happen very often. At this time there are approximately only 360 Certified Consultants in the WORLD. I will be the first KonMari Consultant in the state of Montana.
I am not limited to the KonMari Method™, but I truly love the principals that it instills. We touch each object, we determine if it sparks joy and we keep only items that will support our ideal life. The KonMari Method™ follows a specific order we start with clothing first and then books, paper, komono (every thing else including kitchen, crafting, junk drawers etc. and we end with sentimental items.
Bringing order to the home is truly "Life Changing Magic". I have experienced immense peace and calm in my everyday life because my home is in order, I know exactly what I have and everything has a home.
I would be honored to start this journey with you. I have zero judgement and when I walk into a room that is in disorder I actually get excited because I know that in a few hours the clients life will be changed.