⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5-Star Google Ranked Home Organizer in Portland, Oregon specializing in decluttering, organizing, ADHD/ADD coaching, goal setting, time management coaching, household management coaching.
Overwhelmed by all of the stuff taking over your house, frustrated by picking up the same toys and books and shoes every single day, thinking that you are stuck when it comes to the process, maybe even feeling embarrassed that things don’t function like they should (or look like you think they should!).
That’s where I come in! I'm Sarah Larsen, an occupational therapist and home organization expert. I use a nurturing, client-centered approach to help you identify your goals, create a plan, and get you organized, so you can feel more balanced. I will help you every step of the way.
Book your FREE 20-Minute Zoom Consultation by visiting our website: https://www.balancedhomeorganization.com