Home Joy restores harmony to people’s homes. We use a consultative process of decluttering and organizing called the KonMari Method invented by Marie Kondo.
Chris Beers, the owner and operator of Home Joy is the only Certified KonMari Consultant in Northeast Ohio and trained with Marie Kondo in NYC. He works one-on-one with all his clients.
What makes us unique?
We use the KonMari Method of home organizing which asks you to sort through your things category by category, one category at a time (i.e. clothing, books, paperwork, office supplies, etc.). This breaks down the overwhelming task of choosing what to keep and where to put it into bite-sized chunks.
For each category you ask yourself whether or not each item fits into your vision of your ideal life and whether or not it brings you joy. If it does you keep it.
At the end of the process you only have what you need and love arranged in a simple, logical manner. Furthermore, because the process is so thorough, your home does not go back to the way it was before and you achieve a new normal in your life.