Hello! My name is Olivia, owner & professional organizer of Let Liv Organize. My goal is help you make your home organized while not breaking the bank. I love to create organized, functional and comfortable spaces for your home, office or business. Specializing in clutter removal, downsizing and space management.
Contrary to popular belief and current trends- you don’t need to spend a fortune on organizing supplies and tools. You can get organized using what you have already and more importantly getting organized has a lot to do with getting rid of clutter and downsizing.
Now more than ever we are in our homes so we are asking ourselves questions like “do I like my home ?”
“do I like the things in my home ?”
“do I need all the stuff in my home?
Follow my Instagram account @letlivorganize for organizing before/after pics, room transformations and the coolest, most random retro and vintage goodies #whatifindorganizing