Gracing My Space / Premier Professional Organizer in West Des Moines, Iowa

Hi, my name is Kelli Siebenahler, and I am a certified professional organizer. I also have a passion for interior decorating and home staging.
I love to create beautiful, Inspiring and functional spaces that can really make a difference in the way you live. I love what I do and I love working with people to create a well organized and beautiful home. I want to give you the gift of a home that is stress free, warm, and inviting.
When you eliminate the clutter in your life you open up your heart to a place where it can be filled with peace and true joy. When everything in your home has a place it can save you time and energy that you can now use to do the things that you really love.
The first step to making a change in our lives is always the hardest but I promise you that you will be so glad you did. I'm great at problem solving so let me help you find the right organizational products or decorating items for your home. I can also help you prepare your home to sell by offering you suggestions on what you can do to improve the look of your home or I can beautifully stage it for you.
I offer in-person and virtual consultations. I can't wait to start working with you!


Bathrooms Bedrooms Children's Rooms Closet Organizing & Cleaning Combined / Blended Households Craft Rooms Decluttering & Reorganization Dorm Room Organization Downsizing Holiday Decor & Storage Home Decorating Home Offices Home Organization Home Staging Home Staging (Homes for Sale) In-Person Consultations Interior Decorating Kitchens Large And Small Areas Laundry Rooms Living Room Memorabilia Storage Move-ins Move-outs Office Organization One Room Or The Whole House Organizing Media Rooms and Game Rooms Paint Color Consultations Pantries Paperwork Organization & Management Personal Shopping Residential Organizing Residential Organizing And Downsizing Rv Organization Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Small Business Small Spaces Space Planning Total House Organization And De-cluttering Virtual Conultations
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