Peak Organizing LLC / Professional Organizer in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Do you have a large home or estate that needs to be decluttered, organized, sold, or packed up for moving/storage? Call Peak Organizing today!

Peak Organizing LLC is a Woman-Owned Professional Organizing company specializing in large estates and residential organizing solutions. Based in Colorado Springs, CO. Peak Organizing works to preserve the valuable and keepsake items in your estate/home and clear the clutter by creating simple, comfortable, and functional solutions. Specializing in estates, moving/transitions, single-room or whole-home projects, senior organizing, downsizing, and small business organization.

Peak Organizing LLC is owned and operated by Jami Skinner. Jami founded Peak Organizing in 2021. She believes that the most important part of being an organizer is to be nonjudgmental. Everyone has difficult situations, and judgment only makes things worse. For Jami, to be organized doesn’t always mean being neat and tidy. It means that rooms and spaces are well thought out and have clear purposes and places to support the next stage in your busy life.


Baby Boomer Downsizing Basement Organization & Decluttering Children's Rooms Closet Organizing & Cleaning Coordinating Dual Residences Craft Rooms Decluttering & Reorganization Downsizing Estate Organizing Holiday Decor & Storage Home Offices Home Organization Home Staging (Homes for Sale) Large And Small Areas Memorabilia Storage Move-ins Move-outs Office Organization One Room Or The Whole House Packing & Unpacking Services Paperwork Organization & Management Recycling Relocation Residential Organizing Residential Organizing And Downsizing Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Small Business Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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