Everything In Its Place
Professional Organizer in Canton, Georgia

Steve and Joani Lee are a local family in Canton (Freehome). Being organized isn't about getting rid of everything you own, it’s about prioritizing and categorizing...to open up space (and save time). Whether it's cluttered rooms, a disorganized/messy basement or garage, or even an outside/yard area... we come in and work "alongside" you to bring to order and optimize it! Don't AGONIZE. ORGANIZE...and take back control of your space so the it works FOR YOU not against you. Let us come alongside and help!
Baby Boomer Downsizing
Basement Organization & Decluttering
Children's Rooms
Closet Organizing & Cleaning
Clutter Elimination & Coaching
Custom Storage And Design
Decluttering & Reorganization
Filing & Storage Systems
Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions)
Home Offices
Home Organization
Laundry Rooms
Office Organization
One Room Or The Whole House
Paperwork Organization & Management
Residential Organizing
Residential Organizing And Downsizing
Senior Downsizing & Transitioning
Small Construction Projects
Space Planning
Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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