ReSpaceNola / Professional Organizer in New Orleans, Louisiana

ReSpaceNola is a Professional Organizing and Interior Decorating Business. We can organize your home or office and top it off with a professional design feel. We will tackle any sort of project, kitchens, closets, playrooms & sheds. We can hang all of those pictures still sitting on the floor.

We love all projects, large or small.

ReSpaceNola is owned and operated by Cathy Miller.

Cathy is native of Louisiana, moving to New Orleans from Lafayette where she owned a home interior store. She moved to Nola to help take care of her two granddaughters, Nina and Charlie. Now that her girls are on a schedule with school, Cathy has time to again pursue her passions of organizing and decorating.

Life can be busy; your home should be your escape…

When our home is cluttered or out of order out brains can feel cluttered or out of order.

ReSpaceNola will help you to let go of items cluttering your cabinets and closets so they can have breathing room. Find new counter space by removing items from kitchen and bathroom counters that are not used daily. With time you can live a more minimal life in your home or office, and you will reap amazing benefits.

Organizing can be stressful! We will work with you to make this process as stress-free as possible, and the end result will be so liberating!


Basement Organization & Decluttering Bathrooms Bedrooms Children's Rooms Closet Organizing & Cleaning Clutter Elimination & Coaching Combined / Blended Households Craft Rooms Custom Storage And Design Decluttering & Reorganization Downsizing Filing & Storage Systems Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Holiday Decor & Storage Home Offices Home Organization Interior Decorating Kitchens Large And Small Areas Laundry Rooms Living Room Memorabilia Storage Office Organization One Room Or The Whole House Packing & Unpacking Services Pantries Paperwork Organization & Management Recycling Residential Organizing Residential Organizing And Downsizing Senior Downsizing & Transitioning Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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