Hi there! I'm Michelle Conneway, owner and Certified Professional Organizer® at Foster Organizing. I provide a wide variety of professional organizing and decluttering services throughout the greater Seattle and Tacoma areas. I help people make order out of chaos and feel in more control of the items in their homes and offices.
People often hire me to support them with…
✅ Learning to manage the quantity of their belongings
✅ Attending to the stuff stored from previous generations
✅ Developing organizing habits for the whole family
✅ Deciding on what things to keep & what can be let go of
✅ Figuring out what to do with items no longer needed
✅ Getting email, paper, & digital files under control
✅ Downsizing to smaller residence, maximizing small spaces
✅ Packing & unpacking (and keeping it on track!)
✅ Establishing organizing systems the client can maintain
✅ Tackling photos, keepsakes and other memorabilia
It’s my mission to help clients find peace and enjoyment in their surroundings! Get in touch and let’s start making your space work for you!